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«  Февраль 2016  »

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    Главная » 2016 » Февраль » 22 » EXCLUSIVE !!! Interview with Elizabeth Dowden
    EXCLUSIVE !!! Interview with Elizabeth Dowden

    -How did you get into the Power Rangers in the role of Kaylee?                          

    -I went for an audition for the pink/yellow power ranger 2 years in a row and they remembered me for the role of Kaylee and offered me the job!

    -Do you Power Rangers watched before? Do you have a favorite seasons? Favorite Rangers and villains?

    -Yup. I liked Amy Jo Johnson, but also really liked Ciara Hanna's yellow ranger last season. I didn't watch a lot before filming because my character wasn't a ranger, she's a normal girl who stumbles upon their world :)

    I think you know that many fans would like to see you in the role of one of the Rangers. If you had the opportunity, what a ranger you would like to become? Pink, the Yellow, Aqua?

    -It would still be Pink cos it's so iconic and girl powery but... obviously that ain't gonna happen

    -And who would from Power Rangers Dino Charge you like the most? Chase?

    -And who would from Power Rangers Dino Charge you like the most? Chase?


    -Your character still prefer the Black Ranger. And you who like more? Smug Chase or amiable Black Ranger?

    -I think she likes the black ranger at first, but then she sees Chase's heart is in the right place so gives him a second chance :) plus he has a pretty funny personality - I think she likes that.

    -Do you have a favorite episode in Dino Charge or Dino Super Charge, except for episode 4?

    -I thought the world famous in New Zealand episode was funny from Dino Charge.

    -I agree. This is one of my favorite episodes. Have you talked with other actors from the show except for Chase?

    -Yup I got to hang out with all the cast. James and I actually worked together playing boyfriend and girlfriend on a previous job before power rangers so it was great to work with him again and see a familiar face.

    -A previous job?

    -Yup, it was a TVC for Air New Zealand.

    -And what is your favorite moment of the episode 4 DSC?

    -The reconciliation at the end. But it's also pretty funny when he's showing me all his trophies. Ha.

    -What kind of movies do you enjoy watching? The Avengers? Deadpool? Batman? Anything else? By the way, Naomi Scott is playing one of your favorite Rangers in the new film. What do you think about it? What do you think about the whole caste of the new film?

    -The Dark Knight is still one of my faves... Still haven't seen Deadpool but gonna try see it this week! The cast of the movie look great. It's exciting to see what they'll come up with.

    -Would you like to visit Russia?

    -One day! Yup. So much history. Just finished watching War and Peace which is based in Moscow - really made me want to visit!

    -I hope that soon will arrive to us. Were there any interesting or funny moments during the shooting of the Rangers?

    -There were lots! Such a fun cast to work with. Generally a lot of great chats on set which made everything really fun and enjoyable.

    And can you tell the funniest moment on set?

    -Hmm. Learning to drive that little yellow convertible in manual in 10 minutes before filming was pretty interesting haha

    -Haha. And the last question. Should I wait for your return in the role of Kaylee in the following eposide?

    -Yup I'll be in other episodes.

    -Kaylee, Heckyl, Singe. God, I love this show. By the way, do you have a favorite villain of Dino Super Charge?



    -Thank you very much.

    -That's awesome! Best of luck.



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